Case Study
No solution? Think again! – Aft shaft bearing repair, Hong Kong

Subsea Global Solutions was recently contacted to provide a solution for a vessel stuck in a very difficult position. A deep-sea bulk carrier fully loaded with goods had become immobilized due to a failure of the aft shaft bearing. In the past not much could be done to help a vessel in this situation. With no way to transit on its own power and loaded with a perishable cargo, an economical solution needed to be developed quickly.
After a failed attempt to repair the vessel by a competing company, Subsea Global Solutions was given the opportunity to provide their expertise and decades of experience. An underwater repair solution was developed where none had existed before. Due to the deep draft of the vessel, special attention was paid to how the repair would be carried out. A large highly skilled team was required to provide the vessel with non-stop 24hour operations. With only a few days to mobilize, Subsea Global Solutions technicians and equipment landed in Hong Kong and prepared for the repair.
In only four days the Subsea Global Solutions team accessed the aft shaft bearing and repaired the system to allow the vessel to continue their voyage as normal. This repair allowed the vessel to travel safely to their destination and offload their cargo. Once free of cargo the vessel continued to a dry-dock facility where the aft shaft bearing was replaced.

This repair was overseen and is approved by classification societies. Aft shaft bearing failures in the past have dictated immediate dry-docking. BUT – now with a revolutionary repair strategy, Subsea Global Solutions can offer a temporary repair to allow vessels in similar situations to voyage. SUBSEA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS has proven once again that it can provide vessels with a fast and vastly cost-effective repair solution compared to any alternative.