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Port of Amsterdam Hull Cleaning, In-Water Inspections & More

Subsea Global Solutions regularly provides underwater inspections, propeller polishing, hull cleaning ROV services across in the Amsterdam, Ijmuiden and Velsen ports.  As a leading international commercial diving company active in the Antwerp-Rotterdam-Amsterdam-Ghent (ARAG) region we offer a full spectrum of cost-effective underwater ship husbandry services, including planned maintenance, scheduled repairs and unscheduled (emergency) repairs - ensuring vessels remain operational with minimal downtime.

Underwater maintenance services include reclaim biofouling solutions for ecofriendly hull cleaning ROV’s (ECO C-ROV) which can also operate at night (in effect 24/7) and propeller polishing to Rubert Scale A and super polishing.

Our European hub dive station can leverage the extensive network and suppliers built up over decades of commercial diving and innovating underwater repair techniques to provide turn-key solutions.  We also offer fleet service agreements to support your globally operated fleet, directly linked to other Subsea Global Solutions offices worldwide using our Online Reporting Tool to schedule routine maintenance requirements in the port of Amsterdam, Velsen and IJmuiden.

Port of Amsterdam: including the combined North Sea Canal area covers ports like IJmuiden, Zaanstad, Beverwijk and Velsen (Tata Steel works), and receives some 6,000 to 7,000 ship port calls annually, making it the fourth largest commercial seaport in Europe. The port's versatile capabilities in handling a broad range of cargoes and is one of the leading European ports for dry bulk, general and project cargo; as well as a key hub for liquid bulk logistics, and short-sea container shipping routes to other European ports.  IJmuiden is known for its Ro-Ro services.  The Port of Amsterdam is also a popular destination for passenger cruise ships in the Northen European loop, especially in the summer season, providing access to the city and the wider region, including the river cruise sector.

Service Request

Subsea Global Solutions provide underwater maintenance and repair services to your marine assets. Contact us to request a service quote today!

Whether you Need In-water Ship Repair in Port of Amsterdam or Beyond, We Have Got You Covered

We offer a wide variety of underwater ship repair services for the following ports in the area.

Subsea Global Solutions was the logical outcome of an alliance between the Miami Diver group of companies on the U.S. East Coast and Parker Diving Service LLC on the U.S. West Coast.  Miami Diver began operating in 1976, and Parker Diving Service first opened in 1945. The individual companies merged into Subsea Global Solutions in 2011.

Subsea Global Solutions regularly provides commercial diving and underwater ROV services to all vessel types across several key locations within the Amsterdam, Ijmuiden and Velsen port area, including the following harbors / terminals.

  • Afrikahaven
  • Alaskahaven
  • Amerikahaven
  • Australiëhaven
  • Aziëhaven
  • Beverwijk
  • Bosporushaven
  • Hornhaven
  • Ijmuiden
  • Mauritiushaven
  • Mercuriushaven
  • Noordzeekanaal
  • Sonthaven
  • Suezhaven
  • Velsen
  • Vlothaven
  • Westhaven
  • Zanzibarhaven
  • Zijkanaal

Looking for underwater maintenance and repair services?

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